Expert Advice To Help You Make The Most Of Your Heat Pump This Winter - Ressler Mateer ...

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Expert Advice To Help You Make The Most Of Your Heat Pump This Winter

Expert Advice To Help You Make The Most Of Your Heat Pump This Winter

Expert Advice To Help You Make The Most Of Your Heat Pump This Winter

Around 16% of homes in the US now use heat pumps that are either linked to air conditioner systems or installed as standalone units. These handy pieces of kit provide invaluable benefits to your home, including improved air efficiency and reduced carbon emissions. They also stand to heat your home through the cold winter to come. If you want to get the most out of your heat pump this winter, we’ve got some handy tips from the experts. 

Perhaps the best advice we can give is to invest in heat pump installation or maintenance with experts like our team here at Ressler & Mateer before the weather gets too bad. This ensures you start on the best footing possible. 

Other top tips for making the most of your heat pump this season include: 

Choose the Right Mode

Choosing the right mode for your heat pump model stands to make a huge difference to the heat you’ll enjoy, making this a vital first step as the days start to cool. 

Ultimately, the mode you choose will depend on the type of heat pump you have. Air-source heat pumps, which often go hand-in-hand with air conditioning, are by far the most common model. However, you may also have a ground-source or water-source pump. You’ll find specifics for these in your manual.

But let’s assume you have an air-source heat pump. In this instance, be careful to switch your pump to ‘heating’ mode rather than ‘auto’, which could reduce efficiency by causing your system to switch between heating and cooling when it shouldn’t.

Set a Low, Consistent Temperature

Low, consistent temperatures are the best way to ensure reliable heat pump warmth in winter. According to the Department of Energy, roughly 68°F is the sweet spot for ensuring a good balance between warm rooms and continued energy efficiency.

It’s also worth mentioning that you should avoid turning your heat pump on and off in the winter. As well as leaving your rooms at risk of getting chilly, this will make your heat pump work a lot harder. That can lead to a spike in your energy usage, as well as increasing the risks of unwanted malfunctions. 

Address Obstructions Around Your Pump

Your heat pump operates by drawing in air, and its inefficiency will be significantly reduced if an obstruction prevents that air from getting in. This is particularly true if that obstruction clogs up key areas like heat pump vents. 

Going into winter, it’s especially important that you make sure to clear any stray leaves around an outdoor heat pump, as these can easily block or even make their way into your vents. It’s also worth cleaning out any stray dust or debris that’s built over the summer using warm water and a clean cloth. 

As winter gets underway, make sure you keep the air flowing by avoiding the impulse to place wet or muddy clothes over your air vent to get dry. Instead, keep your unit clear, flowing, and as toasty as possible. 

Troubleshoot Any Problems

Heat pumps are great pieces of equipment, but they can also fall foul of a few common problems. If your heat pump isn’t heating effectively or isn’t turning on, then it might be worth troubleshooting common issues that could include: 

  • Blocked pumps
  • Continuous ice buildups
  • Odd smells around your heat pump unit
  • And many more

Sometimes, you may find that simply cleaning your unit is enough to solve the issue. However, if you’re dealing with continuous heat pump problems or you don’t know what’s going on, then don’t hesitate to seek a professional opinion. 

A simple search for heating and cooling near me can lead you to experts like our team, who are fully trained to repair a wide range of HVAC and heat pump units. Professionals will help you to understand the issue and can replace broken parts as necessary. 

Keep Your Heat Pump Happy With Ressler & Mateer

Professional installations, services, and repairs can make a huge difference for keeping your heat pump happy in the winter, and they’re precisely what we specialize in here at Ressler & Mateer. We’re your go-to heat pump and air conditioning service near me, and we’re on hand to help your heat pump function as well as it should all season. 

Whether you require emergency 24/7 heat pump repairs or simply want to keep things ticking over with the help of our scheduled maintenance services, don’t hesitate to get in touch to start making the most of your heat pump today.

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